Meeting Rooms and Study Rooms

Fulton County Library System serves our community by providing Meeting Rooms and Study Rooms.

  • Individuals must have a current FCLS borrower's card to reserve a Study Room.
  • Individuals must check in to a Study Room prior to using a Study Room.
  • Study Rooms are available on a first-come-first-serve basis. No future reservations allowed.
  • To ensure all individuals have equal opportunity to use Study Rooms, individuals and groups can use the Study Rooms for two hours per day. Time may be extended if other rooms are available and there is no one waiting. Individuals may be asked to vacate a Study Room if time has been extended and the Study Rooms fill and a Wait List forms.
  • Because all Study Rooms are available on a first-come-first-serve basis, certain rooms may be requested, but are not guaranteed based on availability.
  • Study Rooms are only available during posted FCLS operating hours.
  • Study Rooms close 15 minutes prior to close and must be cleared prior to closure.
  • No open food or drink is allowed within the Study Rooms. Water bottles are allowed.
  • Study Rooms must be cleaned and returned to their original state after each usage.
  • Speak quietly on cell phones or with others within the Study Rooms; if volume gets too loud you and your party may be asked to leave.
  • Priority for Study Room usage is given to library sponsored programs/groups and may be unavailable.
  • Observe FCLS policies at all times. Individuals may be asked to vacate a Study Room for any FCLS policy violations.

Libraries with Study Rooms

Groups may apply for use of a Meeting Room by filling out a Meeting Room Application.

Groups must hold their meetings during regular library hours. Permission to use a meeting room after normal branch hours must be obtained from the Library Manager/designee when booking the meeting room. Meetings may continue for one hour after closing in branches where the meeting room is completely separate from the rest of the library. Individuals signing the Meeting Room Application form must ensure that the room is in order, the lights are turned off, and the doors are securely locked after the meeting has ended.

Individuals should submit Meeting Room Application forms at least two (2) weeks before the actual event. Rooms are assigned in the order requests are received. Requests should be submitted to the appropriate Library Manager/designee of the library facility where the meeting is planned.

Failure to comply with regulations or abuse (including three [3] "no shows") will result in suspension of the right to use the meeting rooms for one year.

In the event of emergency closing of a unit, every effort will be made by the Library Manager/designee to notify the contact person listed on the application. Notice of cancellation should be made as soon as possible.

After 30 minutes, a group may forfeit its reservation if it fails to appear as scheduled.

  • Fulton County policy prohibits political activity in County facilities and by County employees during work hours. Use of Fulton County facilities for political purposes is prohibited by Policy 600-46. A candidate may use a County facility, if permitted, for a non-political event.
  • All programs and meetings must be free and open to the public.
  • Meeting room space is not available for private meetings and events.
  • Those using the Library's meeting rooms are subject to the rules set forth in the Library System's Code of Conduct.
  • Priority for meeting room usage is given to Library sponsored programs.
  • A completed meeting room application should be submitted to the library manager or designee. A meeting room application, is available on this page.
  • Individuals signing the Meeting Room Application must have a current Fulton County Library System (FCLS) borrower's card.
  • To ensure all groups have equal opportunity to book meeting rooms, organizations and groups can reserve meeting rooms twice per month.
  • Permission to meet in the Library does not constitute an endorsement of an individual's or group's beliefs.
  • Users of Library meeting rooms may not at any time use the name, address, telephone number or the Fulton County Library System logo (unless approved) as the official address or headquarters for any individual, organization or business. Signs shall be posted at the entrance to each meeting room at which a non-Library sponsored program is being held which state that "THIS PROGRAM CONTENT IS NEITHER SPONSORED, NOR ENDORSED, NOR APPROVED BY THE FULTON COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM OR FULTON COUNTY GOVERNMENT." Furthermore, any announcements, advertisements or notices about an event being held in a Library meeting room, whether written or digital, must contain the above statement about the lack of Fulton County Library System sponsorship, endorsement or approval. Any user of a Library meeting room who allows, permits or has knowledge of a third party advertising or announcing the user's event without the above statement will be held in violation of this policy, if the user fails to correct or prevent the advertisement or announcement.
  • Due to space constraints, the Library may not be able to post flyers or other material relating to meeting room use.
  • Refreshments are allowed at some facilities. Please check with the manager.
  • Fees may be assessed to meeting room applicants or user groups for the repair of damages to facilities.
  • In selected facilities, meetings and programs may continue for 1 hour past closing of the facility.

Meeting Room Policy.

Groups planning to have food and/or refreshments during their meeting must receive approval from the Library Manager/designee prior to the meeting. Red punch or foods containing dyes that may stain carpets or equipment are not permitted.

Simple food may be served by groups provided that the food is brought in ready to serve and the group supplies all utensils. The group is responsible for complete cleanup afterwards.

The meeting room must be left in the order in which it was found. Tables and chairs may be rearranged, provided they are returned to their original arrangement at the end of the meeting. Facilities will be inspected after each meeting. A fee will be charged to users for repair of damage to facilities or for special cleaning as determined by the Library Manager/designee. Fees for damages to a facility will be assessed to the library card record of the individual who signed the Meeting Room Application.

Libraries with Meeting Rooms


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