Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service

Martin Luther King, Jr., MLK, Jr., Federal government, holiday, day of service, John Lewis, Alpha Phi Alpha, Coretta Scott King, Katie Hall, Katie B. Hall, Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Holiday Commission, assassination, Americorps, Corporation for National and Community Service, Public Law 98-114, Public Law No 103-304, Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historical Park, Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial,
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Honor the Veteran in Your Life

Government documents on the history of Veterans Day, some things to do with the veteran in your life on Veterans Day, and veterans' resources including veterans' benefits, compensation, family and caregiver support, housing and transportation, education, training and employment, housing veterans, veteran health, financial and legal support, assistive technology and recreational programs for wounded or ill veterans.
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Affordable Learning With Government Documents

How lifelong learners and adult learners can use government documents from the public library to continue their education in history, culture, human civilization, law and governance. Highlights STEM topics such as money and finance, medicine and veterinary science, nutrition and fitness, astronomy and astrophysics, aviation, aeronautics, maritime history and boating safety, transportation, environmental science, geology and hydrogeology, minerals and mining, geography, agronomy and animal husbandry, ocean natural resources, climate science and weather, biology, computer science, and math standards and measurements.
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May is Fitness Month in Government Documents

The Eisenhower Administration pioneered the cabinet-level President's Council on Youth Fitness in 1956. In 1983 the President's Council declared May to be National Fitness Month. Resources from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) about exercise, health, nutrition, sports injuries and mental health for children and youth, adults, seniors, and people with disabilities. Information includes workout routines, recreational safety, obesity, physical activity, and how to calculate body mass index.
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