100s – Philosophy and Psychology

“I think, therefore I am”, this phrase is attributed to French philosopher René Descartes. It was foundational to Cartesian Philosophy. This philosophy along with others across a wide range of time periods and regions is covered in the 100s.  The 100s contains books discussing philosophy and psychology. So, if you are interested in Sigmund Freud or Carl Jung, you can find not only their works, but also contemporary evolutions in the field of psychology. Some lesser-known sections include parapsychology and occultism, which highlight the areas outside of traditional psychology and philosophy. These books dive deep into what makes the human mind tick and ask the big questions about life.

100 Philosophy

110 Metaphysics

120 Epistemology

130 Parapsychology & Occultism

140 Philosophical Schools of Thought

150 Psychology

160 Philosophical Logic

170 Ethics

180 Ancient, Medieval, & Eastern Philosophy

190 Modern Western Philosophy (19th-century, 20th-century)


“Dewey Decimal List | Open Library.” Openlibrary.org, openlibrary.org/classifications/ddc/list.

Espínola, Juan Pablo . “Descartes: “I Think, Therefore I Am” - What Does It Mean?”. Translated by Marilina Gary. Https://Humanidades.com/, 18 Jan. 2024, humanidades.com/en/i-think-therefore-i-am/.

--Anissa Alexander, Librarian

100s - Philosophy and Psychology

This section ranges from the study of existence itself to inquiries into how our minds work. These books are a collection of topics from across the range of subjects from Greek philosophers to parapsychology.

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