Directors Blog – August 2024

Do you ever feel that you are simply coloring outside the lines as you move through your daily life? It can appear that way as time keeps going, bringing new changes and challenges.

Change often seems to be the only thing that truly remains constant. We can count on it, despite the fact we all have our daily routines, set by the many factors that go into living our lives. Some people speak of “living your best life.” But it may be difficult to define “best,” especially with 24/7 news cycles; social media; chores; work; home life; and physical and mental concerns.

However, if you can establish downtime, you may find yourself recharging and getting revitalized. You might do so through exercise, reading, listening to music, watching movies; or simply sitting still, in your favorite place, and quieting the noise that usually surrounds you.

Many of us get to that point and decide that a good book becomes our refuge. Others may want to go on a hike or take a run. Some folks find that cooking relaxes them.

Try to wind down with a movie, courtesy of the library, via your card. Put on some music and dance around the house the way you used to do when life was simpler. Cook something together, as a family or with a group of friends, and share memories and plans. There are numerous cookbooks at the libraries.

If those things still do not work during downtime, find some coloring sheets, no matter your age, and go ahead and color inside the lines. There is a certain blissfulness to each strike of the crayons. Add it to your routine.