Looking for your next read? Check out The Way of the Hive by Jay Hosler, reviewed by Fulco Library staff, Kim T.
Nyuki is a honey bee with the Clan Apis, and she has a lot of questions about her life. Like, why does she have to do the things she does, like search for pollen, find new places to nest, and vomit honey?! Hosler, a biology professor, brings the science of bees and their hive to a graphic novel format, and it is a fantastic way for young readers to learn about the science of these amazing insects. Using the snarky, questioning bee Nyuki as his heroine, Hosler makes the story of how bees survive and thrive understandable. By the end of the book, the reader has learned a lot about bees, but it didn’t feel like work getting there.
An informative, fun read, with really great art as well. The book does touch on themes of death and reproduction, but in a way that is very age appropriate for late elementary and middle school age readers. Ages 8-12
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