It’s Dogust…not August

Sirius: The Brightest Star In The Night Sky - Farmers' Almanac

August is the hottest month of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.  It has often been called the "Dog Days of Summer."  But, why is it called that?  The main reason is an astrological one.  The star system Sirius begins rising in the eastern horizon at dawn just before sunrise and takes its turn as the "morning star."  Sirius is also known in astrology as the "Dog Star."  Sirius is the "top dog," so to speak, from mid-July to approximately mid-August.  After rising at dawn each day, it remains visible until it is the brightest star in the sky at night during this time.  

It has been said, "all dog's have their day," but we believe that dogs deserve their own month.  Also August is the month that is designated the birth month for all rescue dogs.  To honor man's best friend, we have set up a display of books featuring dogs in our Dogust display. 

The Brightest Star In The Sky | Dog Star Sirius: Constellation, Color | Star Walk

Why the Hottest Part of the Summer is Called the “Dog Days”