New Years Resolutions? No problem!

It is a new year and with it comes the proverbial resolutions.  According to South New Hampshire University, the most common New Year’s resolutions are:

  • Save more money (21%)
  • Eat healthier (19%)
  • Exercise more (17%)
  • Lose weight (15%)
  • Spend more time with family/friends (14%)
  • Quit smoking (9%)

All are mighty tasks to accomplish, and many fail in attaining their resolutions, however, the library is a great place to help you with those resolutions.  We have books on saving for your future, healthy eating, exercise, losing weight and overall self-improvement.

At Northside Library, we aren’t just about the books.  We also have programs!  No library card required.

January 23rd - Stretch and Flex with Ms. Erica at 11 am. Exercise more and maybe lose some weight

January 13th and 25th - Learn the Gokhale Method of proper posture at 11 am

January 13th - Come by and speak to an Atlanta City Planner about the future of our great city from 10am to 1pm

January 14th - Give the gift of leadership to your Teen by having them attend our Teen Advisory Board (TAB) meeting 6:00pm

January 14th, 21st and 28th - Spend some time with your children with After School Adventures starting at 3:30 pm

January 15th, 22nd and 29th at 10:30 - Develop a lifelong reader and family memories at Family StoryTime

January 22nd between 3:30 pm and 5:30 - Spend time with loved ones and bring a friend or a family member to Adult Art

January 23rd at 11 am - Have coffee and doughnuts with the History Book Club as we discuss Susan B. Anthony and make new friends

January 28th at 6pm -  Build teen bonds with peers at the Teen Book Club.

As you can see, the library can help you accomplish all your New Year’s resolutions.  Why wait?  Start visiting today!