Re-Entry Programs

Center for Employment Opportunities

CEO works to reduce recidivism and increase employment. We provide people returning from prison immediate paid employment, skills training, and ongoing career support. To offer work experience, CEO operates transitional work crews that provide supplemental indoor/outdoor maintenance and neighborhood beautification services to more than 40 customers across the U.S.

Vital Signs, opens a new window

Goal: To provide Returning Citizens (aka ex-offenders) with:

  • Spiritual and Financial Empowerment​
  • Job and Entrepreneurial Skill Development Opportunities
  • ​A Personal Life Coach to assist them with a safe re-entry experience
  • ​Food and Affordable Housing​
  • Education to aid them in their achievements and potential for success in life

Transitional Housing Program | Betti's House, opens a new window

Betti's transitional living facilities are designed to support individuals reintegrating into society after incarceration.

PadSplit: Affordable Rooms for Rent, Homes, Weekly Rentals & More | PadSplit, opens a new window

Rent a private room and move in fast.

Dismas Charities

Dismas Charities – Healing the human spirit since 1964, opens a new window

Dismas Charities provides men and women releasing from state and federal incarceration the skills and support to re-enter society as contributing members. The work of Dismas is to end the cycle of victimization and heal the human spirit.

Reentry Partnership Housing (RPH) | Georgia Department of Community Affairs, opens a new window

Worksource Georgia, opens a new window

WorkSource Fulton, opens a new window

Job Connection & Career Training | Career Center | Goodwill of North Georgia, opens a new window

Job Resources