Santa Claus, otherwise known as Kris Kringle and Saint Nicolas, has become one of the most worldwide recognizable folklore figures. He is one of the most iconic elements of this holiday season. His fur-trimmed red outfit and bushy white beard are iconic.
What did Santa use to look like?
Santa, over the years, was known for having a big belly, red fur coat, beard; the image of Santa Claus has been pretty firmly set for much of the 20th century. But Santa used to look quite different from the familiar guy we know today. Believe it or not, Santa used to be skinny, then he was tiny, and in some cases, he rode in a flying blimp or wore a three-cornered hat. Check out the link below at the different looks of Santa. ⇓
Does Santa live in the North Pole?
So you want to know where Santa lives, Huh? Legend says Santa lives in a mysterious workshop in the North Pole. Well, my friends, I can't give you Santa's address only the reindeer and elves know that. But I can give you more information if you take a look at the link below. ⇓
How does Santa make sure all the kids are good?
Millions of elves keep Santa informed. But elves are not the only ones watching and telling Santa about you. Your parents, teachers, librarians, bus driver, and your babysitter is telling Santa everything about you. So continue being kind to everyone. The link below will tell you mo...more.⇓
How does Santa get into houses that don't have chimneys?
Santa has a magic key to get into homes, apartments, townhouses, and condos.
How does Santa Claus get into a house without a chimney? Coldwell Banker Blue Matter. (2017, June 21). Retrieved December 2, 2021, from
The book list below is a fun list of books about Santa.⇓
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