
Experience Storytime at Home

Streaming Storytime:
Watch Youth Librarians and Library Staff read special books to kids of all ages, including songs, crafts, and special guests along the way.

Imagination Station:
Watch our archived Imagination Station - storytime for elementary-aged kids - anytime! Imagination Stations is a special storytime for Elementary-aged Children--Imagination Station is brought to you every Thursday at 2:00 PM EST.

Streaming Storytime Resources

Dialogic Reading:
What is dialogic reading? Quite simply, it is reading with your children in a dynamic and interactive way. So, while reading with your children you will ask them questions about the text of the book, discuss the illustrations, and examine any concepts featured in the text, such as counting or shapes. 
Don’t Forget to Sing! Benefits of singing with children:
The best part about singing with little ones is that it gives you another chance to bond with them. This is not limited to the bond between a caregiver and child. This can be a great way to include older children in interacting with younger ones. Explore this article to learn more about singing to your child.

Baby Storytime Books:
Here's a great list of books to read to your baby, toddler, and child!

Benefits of Bubble Play:
Babies and young children LOVE bubbles. Discover why blowing bubbles during Storytime increases child development.

eRead Kids: 
Find more books to read at home during Storytime.

Scrub a Dub Dub Put Me in the Tub:
Babies love stories in the bathtub. Here are some great books to read with the rubber ducky.


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