personal recommendations from your librarians
personal recommendations from your librarians
We read.
A lot. We know you do too.
While our day to day life has been transformed by public health concerns, we don't see you, our patrons. We miss you and the conversations we have about what we read and what to read next.
And, these days, you've probably had the time to read a great deal of your 'To Read Next" list. If your list is close to empty, and you can not browse our shelves, we want to help. If you are tired of your same old reads, we want to help. If you wonder why 'that website algorithm' recommended something (they may be trying to sell you something), we can help with real, personal, recommendations. No algorithms, no pre-made lists...just real human recommendations (via email).
We like what we read. After all, we are professionals, it is our job to read and recommend books. You can ask for your recommendations here.