Internet and Computer Use Policy

The Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System provides access to computers and the Internet as part of its mission of providing public access to information of all types in a wide range of formats. Computers and the Internet are intended to meet the educational, informational, cultural and recreational needs of the Library System’s diverse community within the context of all applicable laws. We have developed computer use guidelines designed to provide a safe, appropriate environment for research, learning, and personal enrichment.

We recognize that the Internet is a global network of networks, operated by a variety of educational institutions, commercial, government, and nonprofit organizations with a broad base of information creators, providers and consumers. The Library System has no control over the accuracy or timeliness of the resources these entities make available to Internet users. The Library System assumes no responsibility for any damage arising from use of the Internet and is not liable for any loss that may occur from disclosure of personal and financial information. Library staff is available to assist customers in selecting or suggesting the best mix of information resources to meet their needs and to provide some computer assistance, but cannot provide in-depth training on Internet and computer use except during regularly scheduled classes.

Use by Children

  • As with all Library System materials, programs and services, the responsibility for what minors read or view on the Internet rests with a parent or legal guardian.
  • We encourage parents and guardians to supervise their children’s use of computers and the Internet, including email, chat rooms and other forms of electronic information.
  • While the Library System will help guide children to age appropriate resources, we strongly encourage parents and guardians to define for their family members what material or information is consistent with their personal and family beliefs.


Internet terminals are filtered in accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). In accordance with the act, filtering can only be removed upon the request of adults.

Conditions of Use

  1. It is not acceptable to use the Library System’s computers and/or Internet access to
    • violate federal, state or local laws
    • attempt to disrupt or degrade equipment or system performance
    • gain unauthorized access to other networks or computers
    • vandalize data or download software
    • make changes to hardware
    • represent oneself as another person
    • engage in any activity that is deliberately offensive or creates an intimidating or hostile environment
  1. Users should be aware that public computers are not a private or secure medium.
  2. Users must respect the legal protections to data and software afforded by copyright and license law, as contained in 17 U.S.C. § 101 et seq.
  3. The Library System is not responsible for any loss of data, or damage to personal storage devices that may occur when using public computers.
  4. The Library System may impose time limits to provide access to a greater number of users.

Use Agreement

By using Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System’s computers, the user agrees to conform to all regulations contained in this policy. Library staff, who observe violations of this policy, will ask the user to stop using the library’s computers, may suspend the user’s library card and Internet privileges, ask the user to leave the library, and/or contact local law enforcement.

This Policy supersedes any and all previous Library policies governing Internet and computer use.

Approved by the Board of Trustees

May 24, 2006


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