Online Resources
eRead Kids eAudiobooks eBooks
eRead Kids is a digital library of kids books that is provided by Georgia Public Library Service and is available through all public libraries in Georgia. Young readers have access to over 40,000 eBooks and audiobooks. Explore the collection of fiction and non-fiction picture books, basic readers, graphic novels, and chapter books in English and Spanish for kids in Pre-K to fourth grade.
This collection of books is available through the Boundless app. After you've downloaded the Boundless app, search for and select “Fulton eRead Kids GA” as your library. Then, enter your Library Card Number and PIN to log in. If you are an APS student, you can log in with your student ID and PIN.
Hoopla Comics Downloadable Music eAudiobooks eBooks Streaming Music Streaming Video
There is never a wait for the eBooks, eAudiobooks, music, or video on Hoopla, but patrons are limited to ten check-outs per month. Choose carefully after your first five, and keep an eye on the calendar! If you do hit your limit before a month is up, don't worry - we have loads of other options, opens a new window available for all these formats.
Hoopla is the platform to use if you and all your friends (or classroom) would like to read the same book at the same time, or watch a movie together while far apart. Download the app to your favorite device and enjoy an audiobook while you work in the yard or on your commute.
Hoopla contains our largest collection of Marvel and DC comic book titles, as well as a large popular music catalog. If you're looking for that book you saw at the Scholastic Book Fair, your best bet outside the physical library is Hoopla.
Libby, the mobile app for Overdrive eAudiobooks eBooks eMagazines
The Libby app is available to download titles from Overdrive to your favorite device.
There is also a web app at
Troubleshooting is available on both the Libby app and Overdrive websites.
Many FulcoLibrary patrons use this app to read eMagazines! See the Top Ten eMagazines of 2023 on this list.
Novelist K-8 and Novelist Plus eBooks
Novelist K-8, Novelist Plus, eBook Central, and EBooks from EBSCO are all eBook services offered through GALILEO.
There is no current app available officially for these eBook options. For eBook apps, check out Libby and Hoopla. The books inside the Libby app come from Overdrive, which always has the latest bestsellers and current eMagazines. Hoopla offers thousands of backlist titles and great downloadable music! For more children's books, take a look at eRead Kids.
Overdrive and the Libby App Comics eAudiobooks eBooks
Our most popular eBook and eAudiobook platform, Overdrive, focuses on providing access to adult fiction and non-fiction, with a special emphasis on bestsellers. In February of 2021, all our popular magazine content joined this collection as well! Users can check out up to fifteen titles of any type at a time and carry an additional fifteen titles on hold. While wait times may appear to be long, eBooks and downloadable audio circulate faster than other materials. Please remember to return these digital loans as soon as they are finished to help those next in line!
Download the Libby app to access Overdrive titles on your favorite device. Looking for a popular series not available on this platform? Download Hoopla as well! While there are no wait times on Hoopla, users are limited to the number of checkouts per month.
Please note that on November 13th 2024 OverDrive will be ending support for OverDrive’s desktop apps and website MP3 downloads. More information can be found on their help page.
Palace Project Comics eAudiobooks eBooks New!
The Palace Project is an eBook and eAudiobook service provided by the Georgia Public Library Service (GPLS). Ever get frustrated searching various apps looking for a book? Help is here! This easy-to-use app aggregates and delivers content from FulcoLibrary services like eRead Kids and ProQuest eBooks, as well as providing access to thousands of public domain titles without holds, waits, or checkout limits.
The Palace Project, or Palace App, also provides another way to access to bestsellers and popular titles. Try it today! Online Reference Material
Free 24/7 Tutoring Available Through Paper / Tutoría Gratuita las 24 Horas del Día, los 7 Días de la Semana, Disponible a través de Paper
Fulton County Library System offers students at all levels with unlimited, on-demand access to free academic support through Paper.
Need someone to talk through a particularly tough math problem? A Paper Tutor will be there to assist students within seconds. Need someone to read an essay and make suggestions on how you can improve it before submitting? A Paper Tutor will be there to assist students.
No matter what a student's academic needs are, Paper’s expert learning assistants are available to help 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. Just log in to Paper and get started!
If you do not attend an Atlanta Public School, choose Fulton County Library System as your school when prompted. All students who live in Fulton County or the City of Atlanta are welcome to use with their library card number.
How do students log on?
-Students log in at using their library card number or Atlanta Public Schools ID as their username and pin/password
-When they log in, they'll be prompted to add an email address to their account
-After they add their email, they'll receive an email to verify their email address
-Students can then use the platform as much as they need!
More tips to login:
-Use chrome browser
-Choose Fulton County Library as your school if you are not an APS student
-Type your library card number or Atlanta Public Schools ID where it says Email or Username
-Type your library card PIN/password in all caps where it says password if you previously did lower case
-If you are having issues after trying these steps please Ask a Librarian for help
World Book Encyclopedia Online eBooks Online Reference Material
This updated version of the classic family encyclopedia has content scaled for different learning levels. Ideal for reports, essays, projects and presentations, World Book Online offers full integration with Google Classroom and other online learning software. Levels for youngest users include beginning reader books, while levels for older learners include citation and bibliography building tools.
CLASS PASS users can access World Book Online with the code WBCLASSPASS.
Note: Once a user chooses their learning level on World Book Online, all content will appear at that level until the user changes their profile settings. Articles change their length and language to match the learning level of the user.
Educators, Librarians, and Parents can learn how to get the most out of World Book Online with these training resources
An app is available so that children may read the eBooks within World Book Online when not connected to the internet. You can read more about this app on the World Book site.