Volunteer at the Fulton County Library System


We are truly grateful for your interest in volunteering!  Please note at this time most volunteer projects are filled, so thank you for your patience and please contact us at vol.services@fultoncountyga.govDUE TO THE VOLUME OF INTEREST, THERE IS A WAITLIST FOR MOST LOCATIONS BUT WE ARE ALWAYS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS.

We do not currently have any group or virtual volunteer opportunities. Please review organizations listed on www.handsonatlanta.org that need assistance at this time. 

We are currently on hold for community service requirements. This includes requirements that have not yet been formally assigned. 

For school requirements: you must contact Volunteer Services at vol.services@fultoncountyga.gov to discuss additional paperwork that might be needed. Please start early, so we can try to best assist you. We will also share other area organizations that might have project availability.

We are accepting volunteer applications for the waitlist and will confirm availability for volunteer orientations. All volunteer applicants (new and returning after a long absence) are required to complete, sign, get a parent/guardian signature (if under age 18) and return a Volunteer Application. Adults- scroll down to complete the application online and Youth- download the PDF application to complete.

Volunteer projects are assigned after orientation is completed and may include 1-2 hour shifts assisting with clerical tasks, shelving materials, providing crowd control at programs, serving with the Friends of the Library and providing subject matter expertise for a library program (requires a program proposal). Please be sure to read, review, and ask any questions about the Volunteer Handbook at orientation.

National Volunteer Appreciation Week is held annually in April and one-time help is needed for set up, event execution, and special talents such as artists, musicians, photographers, and singers. Set up and crowd control are needed at special events throughout the year including art exhibits; National Library Week in April; Summer Reading Kickoff in June and Closing in July; and fall events One Book One Read, Staff Development Day and the Children's Book Festival. 

Some branches have Teen Advisory Boards (TAB) made up of teen volunteers who collaborate on programs and brainstorm ideas for youth programming at the library. Contact your Youth Services Librarian or Volunteer Services to learn more about potential opportunities.


We celebrated our 200+ volunteer award winners at the 33rd Annual Volunteer Recognition Program on April 13, 2024. Thank you to the organizations who donated to support this year’s Volunteer Recognition Program: Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta-Fulton Public Library Foundation, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Booth Western Art Museum, Café Intermezzo, Chick-fil-A College Football Hall of Fame, City Winery Atlanta, Emory University: Michael C. Carlos Museum, Georgia Swarm, High Museum of Art, Horizon Theatre Company, Jimmy Carter Library and Museum, Lilly Sage Apothecary, Midtown High School Theatre and Film, No Mas Cantina, Omni Atlanta Hotel at Centennial Park, Project Chimps, Publix Super Markets, Inc. Atlanta Division, Richard and Angela Bakare, Shakespeare Tavern Playhouse, Tellus Science Museum, The Breman Museum, Urban Pie Pizza and Zoo Atlanta.

VOLUNTEER APPLICATIONS: can be submitted to the Volunteer Services Office of the Fulton County Library System by online form (adults only), email (vol.services@fultoncountyga.gov), mail (1 Margaret Mitchell Square, 30303), fax (404-612-0534) or dropped off at any of our open branch locations.

Once you complete the online application (age 18+), please scroll back up to make sure there is a GREEN check mark stating 'Thanks for contacting us' and not *RED* this field is required.

If you need to complete community service for or in anticipation of court, lawyer, employment, or school requirements, you must contact Volunteer Services at 404-613-0125.

If you leave the required information blank, the form will ask you to complete it, but you will need to press submit again. THANK YOU!


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